Our Premises Liability Group has experience representing a broad range of clients in premises liability matters including slip, trip and fall accidents, product liability claims, building defect claims and security related issues including false arrest, assault and battery and malicious prosecution claims. We often assist with investigations immediately after an incident occurs, a service that leads to resolution of claims before suit. This practice likewise promotes more efficient and effective file handling of those claims that ultimately result in litigation, as our attorneys are already fully versed in the relevant facts and legal principles.
Once the case goes into litigation, our attorneys handle discovery, motion practice, trial and appeal. As you can see from the representative cases listed for our premises liability attorneys, they have had great results with dismissals and summary judgment motions being granted and upheld on appeal. Our attorneys are also well versed in all forms of alternative dispute resolution, including court settlement conferences, mediation and arbitrations.
Our attorneys also have an extensive background in handling cases involving all types of injuries, ranging from soft-tissue to paralysis to death. We are able to provide valuable insight into a claimant’s medical claims, often times resulting in a lowered case value and a quicker case resolution.
We also represent clients at administrative hearings work with our clients to ensure compliance with codes, regulations and ordinances.